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Thursday, October 7, 2010

The challenges using ICT in teaching lesson

What is ICT? ICTs stand for information and communication technologies. The purposes of this ICT, as a diverse set of technological tools and resources used to communicate, and to create, disseminate, store, and manage information. These technologies include computers, the Internet, broadcasting technologies which are radio and television, network hardware and software, satellite systems, and telephony. ICTs also included the various services and applications associated with them, such as videoconferencing and distance learning. ICTs have particular context such as ICTs in education, health care, or libraries.  People nowadays show their interest in using computers and internet to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of education at all levels and in both formal and non-formal education. The use of computers and Internet is still in starting stage in developing countries because due to limited infrastructure and the attendant high costs of access. For our education scenario in Malaysia, Minister of Education was reported to come out all scenario in Malaysia, Minister of Education was reported to come out all 95% of all schools will have the necessary hardware to become smart schools by 2010. Smart school is closely related with using ICT in teaching and learning session in school.
            The most challenges thing to ensure that using of ICT is successful and effective in teaching session is knowledge and skills of teacher. The hardest thing is to change the perception and the way teaching style of teachers from traditional to ICT way. The phenomena that happened in school is teachers are refuse to use all the stuff that provided from Ministry Of Education. So, is no use for school if all the gadget and courseware is complete but not have been use at all. Teachers are like to give a lot of excuse that using ICT give much troublesome for them. The common reasons that they give is the teaching lesson are not directly from teacher itself. So, the learning process not in effective towards students. All the students have a chance to study using all the ICT stuff that provided but the teachers block the chances. There was a loss for Ministry and citizens to produce citizens that expert in ICT. Teacher anxiety over being replaced by technology or losing their authority in the classroom as the learning process becomes more learner-centered an acknowledged barrier to ICT adoption can be alleviated only if teachers have a keen understanding and appreciation of their changing role. They have to change their perception towards using ICT in teaching which only for teaching tools not give the entire teaching role to ICT.The second big challenge is to develop skill of using ICT among school teachers. This needs a big cost especially for government. To ensure the mission will achieve, the government have to give the training and course for all teachers not only for selected school. So that all school teachers capable to use all the courseware. ICTs are swiftly evolving technologies, however, and so even the most ICT fluent teachers need to continuously upgrade their skills and keep abreast of the latest developments and best practices. After teachers get the training, they have to use the ICT stuff continuously so that skill will more develop.
            As a conclusion, teachers and government have to arrange the system efficiently to ensure the mission to use ICT in teaching lesson is work it out. Only in this way can educational institutions in developing countries effectively and equitably address the key needs of the population, to help the population as a whole respond to new challenges and opportunities created by an increasingly global economy.